Privacy Policy
Privacy Statement
At BrightGo (the "Company"), we take your privacy very seriously. This Privacy Statement explains how we collect, use, share, and secure your personal information related to the usage of BrightGo’s applications or services (the “Services”).

If you have any questions or concerns about this statement, please contact us at

Information Collection
The Company collects information to provide you with the best possible experience when using the Services. 

When you sign up for the Services, the Company will ask you to provide basic contact information, including name, phone number, and email address. When you purchase the Services, the Company will ask you to provide information necessary for billing.

Use of the Services will require that you provide information about users of the Services, including name, email address, and phone number. Certain users will provide information regarding their work locations and time worked. When using the Services, the Company will automatically log information such as your web requests to improve the quality of the Services.

Information Usage
BrightGo only processes personal information and information collected to provide you with Services you request. BrightGo may use information collected to improve the quality of the Company’s Services. Collecting information related to users of the Services is necessary to provide the full features and functionality of the Services provided.

BrightGo will not share personal information with other companies or individuals outside of the Company.

Information Security
BrightGo takes appropriate security measures to protect information collected. Access to this information is limited to BrightGo employees and contractors who need to know that information in order to improve or operate our Services. 

Customer Data

As a customer of BrightGo, you may need to electronically submit data to our Services for the purposes of using our Services (“Customer Data”). We will not share or distribute any of this Customer Data except as required to provide our Services or as may be required by law.